Monday, November 25, 2013

North Carolina Thanksgiving Part 2

 Dinner at the yummy Japanese steakhouse celebrating Papa's birthday!

 At Uncle Mike's house for dessert

 We love s'mores!

 More hot tubbing - this time at night!

The hot tub was great - the pool on the other hand was freezing!

Taizley was buddies with Jo Jo!

 Taylor and Dana - it is scary that Taylor is as tall as her mom!

 Taylor (16) and Taizley (3)- the oldest grandchild with the
youngest grandchild

My girls loved having Taylor and Ally give them makeovers!

Taizley with Ally - Painted nails, makeup and hair extension for Taizley!!

Thanksgiving in North Carolina

We traveled to North Carolina for Thanksgiving break to visit
Mark's family.  We had so much fun seeing cousins and 
Papa & Nannie!

 The kids spent any chance they could in the hot tub!
 Here is Talia, Tanner, Taizley & Tatum!! 

Taizley kept giving Tanner kisses - it was so cute!  Too bad they are cousins!
They actually share the same birthday (February 25th) so they must have a special bond! 

Daddy got in on some of the hot tub action!

Willman tradition - Thanksgiving morning they run in the Turkey Trot!
Mark, Taylor, Ally & Paul 

We had alot of help in the kitchen preparing the Thanksgiving meal! 

Talia (6) & Taizley (3) 

Some of the other cooks - Dana, Nada & Jen 

My favorite Father in Law with his favorite Daughter in Law!! 

Ready to eat! The Tindalls and Willmans

Willmans - Dana, Paul, Taylor & Tanner (just Ally is missing from this picture) 

Then of course a Thanksgiving nap!  Taylor napping with Taizley and Jo Jo!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Talia's Thanksgiving Feast

Talia's Kindergarten class had their own Thanksgiving feast!
It was super cute - with each kid being either a Pilgrim or Indian.

 Talia made the most adorable Pilgrim!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Taizley's Thanksgiving Program

Taizley had her Preschool Thanksgiving program complete with
a full Thanksgiving feast!  They did a great job with their songs!

 Taizley is in the middle (this is the only picture I had that she was looking at me)
The hat she made had broke right before they started singing!

After Preschool that day she wanted to come straight home, take her hair out of her pony tail, and get the play-doh out!  She loves making ice cream and playing dentist with her play-doh set!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Manhattan High Football

Besides K-State football, we also caught a Manhattan High football game
this fall too!

Mommy & Tatum

I found these pictures of Tatum and I on the way to a wedding in Nebraska - thought they were cute! 
 Love her lipstick face!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Game Weekend

While Mommy was with Tatum & Talia at the Selena Gomez concert,
Daddy and Taizley had their own fun weekend!
They were at the K-State football game and then went
to the basketball game the next day!

 Taizley & Stella cheering on the Cats!

 Here is the other half of the crew - Daddy & Taizley with Josh & Stella

The girls sat by the cheerleaders and copied their cheers the whole time!

Here is another picture I found of these two tailgating before the football game in October -
quite the KSU fans!

Selena Gomez Concert

We went to the Selena Gomez concert in Kansas City this past November.  
The girls had a great time - as did all the moms!!

Love their individual accessories and hair chalk!

Striking a pose shopping!

Tatum, Mommy & Talia

This was cute - from a mirror in the dressing room!

At American Girl Store


(the girls made friends with some older girls who helped them do stunts)

Of course - the concert!  Talia & Sophia

Tatum & Saylor

Monday, November 4, 2013

October Photoshoot

We had photos taken at the end of October and these are a few of my favorites...

They are 8, 6 and 3