Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where does the time go?

I cannot believe my little Taizley is 11 months already!!  She is doing all kinds of new things the last few months and growing up too fast!  Here are her newest things: 
-She's officially crawling!  (After months of scooting and rolling to get around)
-She has all 4 molars coming in at once (that will be 12 teeth total)!
-No more bottles, she only drinks from a sippy cup
-She can go from laying down to sitting up
-She eats everything that we do...does not want any more baby food
-Laughs at her older sisters all the time
-She shuts her light off for bedtime :)
-Had her first taste of a MILKSHAKE from Daddy!

KSU Women's Basketball Game

We finally made it to a women's basketball game this year!  The girls had so much fun with their friends.  As soon as we got to the game, Talia said "Mommy - those are GIRLS playing basketball!"  That is when I realized my little tomboy has only been to the men's games.  We are definately going to more women's events after this! 

Tatum with her friend Laura - Talia's running around behind them :)

Daddy even went too!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Girls are getting bigger!

Two big things happened this weekend - One is that we finally moved Taizley into a big girl carseat!

Second - we put away Talia's toddler bed and made her a big bed!

Yea Talia!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas in Florida

We spent time in Florida over Christmas. One week in Orlando with my family for my dad's 60th birthday. Then the next week we went to Sarasota where Mark's dad lives. We spent Christmas with Papa & fun!

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Disney World 2010

I finally got our pictures together from our Disney World trip. We had so much fun with everyone and my dad was truely surprised! Turn your speakers on and enjoy :)

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